"Pursuant to Article 29 Paragraph 1 of the above mentioned Act of 19th November 2009 on gambling games (Journal of Laws No 201, item 1540, as amended), it is prohibited to advertise and promote gambling games, (...) betting systems and gambling machines." The ban covers Casinos – both during events open to public, as well as closed celebrations.
As for advertising, it is essential that the distribution of trademarks (…) and information concerning venues where the games or bets are played or taken, as well as participation rules, were of public character.
In consequence, under the law of Poland, we are not allowed to publish information referring to this company event proposal.
Call/Mail us for the details and we'll send you full offer - it's somehow OK to send a personalized offer as long as we do not make it public.
* Only people carrying photo IDs are allowed to enter the Casino.
Price includes
it is prohibited to advertise and promote gambling games, (...) betting systems and gambling machines. Call us or drop a line to get detailed info. Sorry for the trouble. The team.
You cannot add to cart activities from different cities. To add this activity, remove from your cart activities from another city. If You still want to book activities from 2 different cities, You need to make separate reservation for each city.
Our clients
Company info
Ludwiki 4/28
01-226 Warsaw
TAX ID:113-014-66-59
Our local offices : Ul. M.Jaremy 23/137 31-318 Kraków | Ul. Suchanka 4, 80-772 Gdańsk | Prof. Jerzego Bukowskiego 7, 03-982 Warszawa | Widna 1/24, 50-543 Wrocław. Advance notice appointments only :
Phone WHATSAPP: +48664540530
For suppliers
Advance notice appointments only : Ul. M.Jaremy 23/137 31-318 Kraków | Ul. Suchanka 4, 80-772 Gdańsk | Prof. Jerzego Bukowskiego 7, 03-982 Warszawa | Widna 1/24, 50-543 Wrocław
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